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Filtering by Tag: fur jacket


Jennifer Mejia


This is the first post I am publishing with one hand so until I figure this out, it’s gonna be short and sweet. Now is a great time of year to purchase a winter coat or jacket because many are on sale, there’s still time to wear it, and it will still look nearly new next winter. Simply click on the images below to shop. The jacket I am wearing is available. If you remember, I also wore it over a red dress, so it’s a truly versatile piece.

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Jennifer Mejia


Faux fur jackets are a sign that winter is officially here, even if the calendar doesn’t say so. Much like white jeans or white shoes used to mean spring had arrived. I love a faux fur jacket because it instantly elevates and adds a bit more fun to any look. And it’s a versatile piece. The jacket I’m wearing here can be paired with a dress, obviously. Yet I’d also pair it with a pair of jeans or dressy trousers. A faux fur jacket is festive, but it doesn’t have to be, meaning you can wear it long before and after the holidays. And best of all, they’re much less expensive (and more accepted) than the real deal.


You can shop this neutral number, along with other favorites that are available now. But first, here are a few favorite looks with other faux fur jackets of mine. I think I should stop purchasing them. (However, there is still one more that remains in the box!)

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Simply click on each image below to shop.
The jacket I’m wearing is near the end, but you can also find it by clicking on the images of me wearing it above. The reversible army-green bomber could be fun, especially if you’re 100% into faux fur.